New Heathrow T2: Ready, Steady, Go…Are you prepared?

With the exciting launch of the new  Heathrow T2 ‘The Queens Terminal’ fast approaching and the summer aviation season upon us, when it comes to hiring your new recruits, it’s easy for time to disappear before your very eyes.

One area in particular in which adequate timeframes can be easily overlooked is ID Pass background checking for your new employees. This can cause stress due to increased workload, but more importantly the delays and costs caused by your staff not being deployed airside on time.

Are You Prepared?
With staffing preparation you may have a check list or process that includes key actions, such as:

Check List – Heathrow T2!
Total number of roles/staff required for Heathrow T2?
Additional staff requirements to replace any staff being transferred to Heathrow T2
Any staff requiring an ID pass renewal /CRC & GSAT?
Number of Airside ID’s required for staff from either different airports or airside employers REMEMBER: ‘Heathrow ID Pass Application Standard’ now requires a full 5 year referencing, even for pass transfers!!!

Timescales:  Create timeline to LHR T2 deadline  (mid-February already?! )
Time required for new recruits to go through their background checks???
Time required for ID approval once dossier has been submitted to Heathrow ID Centre??? NB: Additional time required for any ID Centre Rejections!!!
Time required between ID Centre approval to Pass Appointment

Urgent Concern!
Need to remove the burden of these specialist checks -to allow focus on recruitment of the very best people for Heathrow T2!!

At first glance this seems quite a straightforward process. Except, when it comes to aviation background checking there are many hidden time critical actions that can have a dramatic knock on effects to your airside deployment. In one respect you are dealing with just one ID Pass Application Standard at Heathrow, but issues still arise as not all employee backgrounds are the same.

Are You Prepared?
The timescale required to complete background checks on different employees can vary massively. At Procius we know this, as we are specialists within these stringent airside background checks. Over the years we have verified tens of thousands of aviation employees, and through our high quality employee vetting we have learnt the different times background checks can take. Due to the nature of aviation there is a high level of staff turnover, mix this with the Heathrow ID Pass Application Standard and your time is suddenly consumed with chasing references, draining your valuable time from your core business of resourcing the best people.

As a provider of employee screening, when it comes to ID pass background checking, chasing references, dotting the ‘i’s’ and crossing the ‘t’s’ is second nature to us. It’s what we do every day. We have a tried and tested finely tuned process, which offers full transparency to our clients at the click of a button.

‘But outsourcing costs’. Yes it does, but it’s a ‘minimal cost’ with benefits and cost savings that far outweigh the internal costs generated by in-house checking, such as:

  1. Time consumed by you or your team in checking and chasing
  2. Time absorbed by outdated slow paper based processes
  3. Time dealing with rejections from the ID Centre and resubmissions
  4. Time involved in managing airside staff shortages due to ID pass delays
  5. The financial cost of having to deploy higher paid contingency staff
  6. Penalty costs issued by the Airports for not delivery agreed productivity levels due to lack of placed airside staff
  7. Overhead/PAYE costs and training time incurred by employing additional in-house screening staff for busy periods….

The list goes on, but what is clear is that high quality outsourcing can cost less than you are already paying and comes with the additional benefit of allowing you to focus on your core business.

Avoid the worst case scenario and enjoy a relaxing Heathrow T2 launch!
If you feel you could benefit from our expertise and would like to trial our service to either replace or run alongside your current background checking method (we can set up your account within 24hrs) then please contact us today, call Procius on 01256 487 887

LEARN MORE | About our Airside ID Pass Background Checking Service >